What is digital marketing ?

Nowadays digital marketing is considered as the most important subject to study.

Before we try to understand digital marketing, we need to know the meaning of its component words.

Digital marketing consist of two words – digital and marketing.

What is digital?

Digital is made from a word digit.

What is digit?

Digit is the digit number. Numerical numbers from 0 to 9 are called digit numbers.

In digital context, only two digits are used. And these are 0 and 1. These are called binary digits.

So any device that uses these digits can be termed as digital.

Some of the examples of digital devices are – Computer, smartwatch, digital camera, laptop, smartphone etc.

Digital products:

Digital products are the products delivered online. These are easy to make, manage and sell in the market.

Example – electronic books, electronic games, digital images, online educational courses like that given by byju’s etc.

Digital services:

Digital services means delivery of services using electronic methods.

Example – website design and development, graphic design, online ticket booking etc

Marketing is the second component of digital marketing.

Marketing in simple terms can be termed as all the activities done to promote and sell products or services.

So we combine both components and we get the meaning of Digital marketing.

We can say digital marketing is a set of activities done to promote and sell products or services using digital technology.

There are numerous ways digital marketing is done.

Some popular methods used in Digital Marketing :

  1. SEO – Search Engine Optimization
  2. SEM – Search Engine Marketing
  3. SMM – Social Media Marketing
  4. PPC – Pay Per Click
  5. Email Marketing
  6. Content Marketing
  7. Influencer Marketing
  8. Video Marketing
  9. Mobile Marketing

1. SEO – Search engine optimization :

Before we understand SEO, we need to have knowledge about search engine.

What is a search engine?

Search engine is a program. It takes the help of keywords to find required information on the internet.

Examples of search engine – google, yahoo, bing etc

What are keywords ?

Keywords simply means any words put in search browser for finding any information.

Example- You want to know about Olympics. So you type in words like sports, Olympics in search box. These words are called keywords.

So SEO means use of search engine to gain visibility of a website without paying any charge.

It happens when we develop website. We develop website in such a way that it ranks high in search engine.

2. SEM – Search engine marketing :

This concept is very similar to SEO concept. Only difference is that what we get by SEO in free, we get in SEM by paid advertisement.

It means marketing of search engine.

In this, we give paid advertisement to get our website on the first page of search engine.

Social Media Marketing

3. SMM –  Social media marketing :

When marketing is done by using social media platforms, then it called social media marketing.

What is Social media ?

Social media is a platform in public. Here people in general share their ideas, images, videos. And people make use of various applications or websites in this regard.

Example – Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.

4. PPC – Pay-per-click :

In this form of marketing, advertiser pays only when their advertisements are clicked by the user. We see these advertisements on search page or on website landing page.

What is a landing page?

The first page that opens up when we open a website is called landing page for that website.

5. Content Marketing :

We give information in this type of marketing. Information is related to particular business. And this is given in the form of articles, videos or images about business.

The information given is very useful and valuable for the customer and it helps in building brand.

6. Email Marketing :

We do marketing by e-mails in this. We send e-mails to the prospective customers. And in the email we give information about new offers on existing products or launch of new products.

Sometimes we send discount coupons to boost our sales.

7. Influencer Marketing :

This type of marketing is more based on influence.

What is influence?

Influence means having such a authority that people listen to your advice and follow you.

The person who has more influence can help in selling more products or services.

Example – You want to buy a new mobile phone. So you go to your mobile expert friend for advice. Then he tells you what to buy. And you go and buy that phone. So your friend was influencer for you.

8. Video Marketing :

We make videos in this marketing. And we give detailed information about products or services and its uses.

So when people see the videos, then they can take decision on buying a particular product

9. Mobile Marketing :

We do marketing through mobile in this.

More and more people are using mobiles to access internet than desktop computer. Hence marketing through mobile is becoming important.

We use SMS, MMS, social media,apps etc to the target specific audience.


Today digital marketing has proved as the best way to market one’s products and services.

We can create digital marketing campaign specifically for a particular segment of society.

This type of targeted marketing helps in reaching out to the right customers. Chances of business increase manifold.

The results of marketing campaign are quick and one need not wait for months.

Digital marketing is a vast topic and it is growing rapidly.

This is an effort to understand some of the basic knowledge about digital marketing.

If you want to study further,you can opt for courses available online.

Some of the sites even offer free online courses.

SEMrush Academy

HubSpot Academy

Wordstream’s PPC Uinversity



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